giovedì 22 dicembre 2011

New Year's resolutions: try out Car Pooling and Car Sharing

Currently, for those who choose to embrace a sustainable lifestyle, transportation remains a critical issue. The shifts are often obliged, as people generally need to reach their workplaces by car and shops, schools and services are often located in different areas of the city. People often need to cover large distances and the transport service is not always able to provide a good alternative to driving. However, as a positive new year's resolution, it would be important to change habits, getting engaged in reducing CO2 emissions but also spending less money on fuels. A rapidly growing phenomenon is Car pooling: the service offers rides and lifts to passengers travelling in Europe. The website guides the user in finding the most suitable travel itinerary according to his needs, get in contact with the registered driver and plan their trip. The service allows you to divide the travelling costs with others and at the same time cover distances in full respect for the environment! Another useful service that we strongly advise you to explore is Car sharing. The initiative, promoting sustainable mobility, allows you to travel freely without the need of owning a car, cutting all costs and expenses, by using shared vehicles available in specific car-parks distributed across the city. The service works with a subscription, very cheap and sustainable for your finances! Give it a try!

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